The right footwear is one of the most important survival tools you’ll ever buy. It’s important that when you buy shoes, you choose those that are durable, comfortable and have a high safety rating for the soles. Who knows how long you’ll be out there… The Timberland White Ledge Waterproof Boot has a reputation for fulfilling all those needs and more.

The Timberland White Ledge Waterproof Boot

To begin with, they’re extremely rugged and that’s what you want in a survival situation. You need to have a tough boot that will rise to your expectations when you’re faced with a tough environment. These boots are waterproof, which is a quality that can’t be stressed enough.

You don’t want to go walking, hiking or running especially in an unknown area without footwear that’s not waterproof. If you didn’t have that, you could easily be walking around with wet feet which could lead to the growth of fungus or bacteria as well as other foot problems. The waterproof leather of the boot can help to keep your feet bone dry and water can’t even get into the seams because those are sealed. Not even the rain can penetrate these boots.

Because the boot is waterproof, it’ll help to prevent blisters. Not only that, but it has powerful traction which means you won’t have to spend time worrying about whether your footwear can make it across a slippery or wet path. You’ll know that you’re wearing a boot that’s going to look out for the well-being of your feet as well as making sure your feet have the tools they need to carry you safely any distance.

The boot’s removable, dual density EVA footbed is perforated, allowing air to circulate and wick away moisture to keep feet cool and dry. This is an extra comfortable insole that makes sure your feet are cushioned and protected as you wear the boot. Thanks to the better air circulation the boots have, your feet are kept dryer as well as more comfortable.

The bottom of the boot has a rubber outsole and is made using the B.S.F.P construction, which means that it’s created with your foot’s natural walking ability. It’s excellent traction will help you stop quickly, support your body, and ease your movement to flex, jump, or climb especially on uneven surfaces. These features help you to maintain balance regardless of the territory you’re in.

The boot also offers a padded collar. That and the tongue help to shore up your ankles so that they’re less likely to be injured when you’re on the go.

Without question, making sure everyone in the family has high quality footwear will save you from many problems. Get your Timberland White Ledge Waterproof Boot today!

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