Having water is something that you need in order to survive. It’s not just a matter of being thirsty. Your body uses water in various ways, such as helping your nervous system work correctly and helping to keep your kidneys healthy, keep from overheating and dehydrating… It’s not a secret, we are made of more than 70% H2O. In your normal routine, you can simply grab a bottled water from your refrigerator or pour yourself a glass from your kitchen faucet. But in a wilderness or any survival situation, those options aren’t available to you. Having a good quality water bottle is NOT a luxury! That’s why you need to make sure you have a container such as the Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth Water Bottle on hand.

The Water Bottle:

This is a water bottle that can hold 32 ounces. It’s made with a wide mouth and that’s the kind that you want to make sure you get. Wide mouth water bottles do more than just make the water more accessible.

Nalgen Water Bottle 2When you have this kind of water bottle, it can pass chunks of ice or ice cubes easily through the opening if you’re using it before you need it in a survival situation. Not only that, but it’s roomy enough at the opening to be able to handle whatever kind of water purifier or filter that you’re using. In a survival situation, making sure you keep items like water bottles clean is essential to your good health. Because this one has such a wide mouth, you can easily get your hand down inside it to wash it and make sure it’s clean.

The bottle also has a loop top which keeps it in place on the bottle. You won’t have to worry about taking it off and losing it or having it fall into the dirt or mud. The threads at the top make it easy to remove or put the lid back on.

The side of the water bottle has marks so you can see at a glance how much water you’ve had at any given time. That makes it easy for you to pay attention to how much liquid you’ve consumed, which is important in all kinds of conditions but especially when the temperatures are hot.

The bottle is BPA free and won’t stain or hold onto odors so you get fresh tasting water with each use.

It is extremely durable, which is something you want in a water bottle when you’re in a survival situation. You need something like this that’s tough enough to make it even if you drop it from a great height. This one can take a hard hit and still be okay without cracking.

Make sure your equipped with your bottle today. If you don’t already have one (or a similar one) at home, get yours today by clicking the link below.

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