There are so many tools that make life easier. Especially in outdoor survival, one of these tools is a chainsaw. However, chainsaws are bulky, heavy and in a survival situation, it just doesn’t make good sense to lug one around. Unless there’s a new “micro” model out there, it just does not fit in your backpack 🙂

You have survival essentials that you need to take up space in your bug out bag and you just can’t give a chainsaw that valuable space. Unfortunately, though, there are going to be plenty of times when you’re going to wish that you had a chainsaw with you.

When you’re walking on a path and there’s a fallen tree in the way, getting it out of the way is going to require the strength of a chainsaw. When you need some wood to burn for heat, you’re probably also going to need a chainsaw. Since you can’t bring one with you, the next best thing to do is to get a Sportsman Pocket Chainsaw Chain.

The Sportsman Pocket Chainsaw Chain

This is the tool that survivalists are raving about. It lets you clear the areas that you need to clear without taking all day. It’s really amazing how fast and easily it can take down a tree.

This chainsaw is a 36” chain so it’s longer than other chainsaws. Plus, it has thick strap handles for easy hold and use that won’t tire your hands out. Having the longer chainsaw chain is what enables this tool to get through trees and other debris as fast as it does.

Chainsaw Chain 2

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The length lets the chainsaw cut more at one time. This is a two direction chainsaw that has powerful teeth that are razor sharp. These can get through even thick wood. That’s because these teeth are made with tough steel that can slice through more of the wood at the same time.

You’ll be able to use it to cut trees larger than you imagined possible and it’s precise enough to handle small trees as well as thick vines. Because it’s so lightweight, you can hold it up to cut branches that are over your head without a problem.

If you need to climb up a tree to cut branches down for something like building a shelter, the tool will easily fit into your pocket. It makes cuts quickly, taking seconds or minutes to get through the branches.

This pocket chainsaw does have the ability to be re-sharpened with a chainsaw file so you can use it for long lengths of time. Its durable construction will hold up job after job. It’s so tough that it has a lifetime guarantee.

The tool comes with a storage pouch and a loop so you can attach it to your belt. This chainsaw is the perfect tool for so many uses including cutting down branches to be used for firewood.

You’ll be able to cut thicker pieces which means it helps to keep your fire burning for longer periods of time. It’s so easy to use that anyone can handle this tool. All you have to do is position the teeth around whatever you want to cut down and pull the handles back and forth.

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