When it comes to preparing for survival, most people don’t blink at spending whatever money is necessary for most things, but they turn around and skimp on buying what’s needed to take care of their feet. That’s because most people don’t think too much about their feet. Part of the reason for that is when you’re in a comfortable living situation, your feet don’t give you much grief. But when you’re in a survival situation, foot care suddenly become one of your greatest survival tools.

Take care of your feet

Start by foregoing the cheap footwear items and instead get shoes or boots that are designed for long term wear and made to protect your feet. What you want to look for in foot care items is quality. The better made it is, the better it’s going to treat your feet. You want something that’s long lasting because in the wilderness, the opportunity to replace your footwear isn’t going to be as easy as it is in your ordinary world.

What you need to consider in a boot

You need footwear that fits you correctly. If it rubs a blister, hurts your toes, or rides up and down on your heels, then it doesn’t fit right. You don’t want to be trying to survive and end up with feet that make every step feel like a nightmare. The soles of the footwear need to have a strong grip. This will help keep you safer in wet, slippery situations as well as when you’re walking up or down an incline. Whatever you get should have plenty of arch support.

Since you’ll more than likely be on your feet a lot more often than you once were, you need that support to keep from developing foot problems. Good footwear is expensive – but think of this as part of your survival and don’t shy away from spending whatever it takes.

You need to keep your feet in good condition. The survival footwear that you purchase needs to have a higher durability standard that regular footwear. That’s because these shoes or boots will have to endure harsher conditions than your regular footwear.

The bottoms of the shoes or boots need to be thick. In a survival situation, it can be easy to walk across areas that are extremely hot to walk on, wet or littered with debris. You don’t want something puncturing the sole of your footwear and causing you to be injured.

It needs to be easy to clean and waterproof as well. If you’re thinking that you can’t afford to spend a lot of money on your shoes, you’re wrong. By getting cheap shoes, you risk them breaking or falling apart in the tough surroundings. When that happens, it’ll leave your feet vulnerable to only insect bites, heat, water, bacteria, and fungal growth. You could end up with blisters or other injuries that could pose a danger to your health if they get infected.

And don’t forget the socks!

You should also make sure that you buy good socks. While not as complicated as choosing a good boot, you need to make sure your socks have the minimal characteristics to keep you comfortable. Get breathable, cotton socks and make sure you have extra pairs.

Take care of your feet. You’ll need them!

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