Without question, anyone will tell you they want their family (and themselves) to survive a disaster situation. However, not everybody is actually prepared. Preparing for Disaster Survival Situations is the first step in giving your family the best odds.

So, everybody wants to survive, but not everybody will actually work a plan to make sure that happens. There are so many reasons, not to say excuses, for not preparing.

Number one on the list of excuses for not putting a survival plan in action is costs… too much money! So just because of this, many families don’t prepare.

So since it costs too much, a lot of people will decide to fall back on hoping that the government would step in and help them in a disaster situation.

Yes, the government can help in some situations, and in almost all situations, will eventually take control. But it is not equipped to support the population for large scale disasters and in many events, the governments showed very slow turnaround time in helping the population. It took days for the government to bring real help to the people after Hurricane Katrina. Other than telling people to leave, the government had very little solution on what to do with everybody caught in the path of the wildfires in western USA last summer. Even in Canada in the early 2000’s, the ice storm prevented people from electricity for over two weeks with temperatures in the lower 20’s. The government had very little solutions other than stacking people up in gymnasiums.

Now, imagine a catastrophe that takes much bigger proportions. Lerge scale terrorist attacks, WW3, pandemics, etc… Some crisis that could render the government unable to help anyone for months, years… How well do you think your needs would be met?

Nobody can really afford to rely on anyone else. You can’t afford not to be prepared.

Having a Step-by-Step approach

The problem most people have when using the “finances” excuse is that their outlook is far too broad.

They’re looking at a list of supplies as a whole rather than breaking it down and concentrating on building up gradually step-by-step.

Anybody can set aside the supplies they need for survival even if they don’t have all of the money once because you can do it on a budget.

Even if living paycheck to paycheck, you can afford to prepare. What you have to do is buy just a few survival supplies each month. As each month passes, your store of supplies will grow.

Stay Motivated

Concentrate on reaching small goals first. For example, start by preparing for a 72-hour emergency first. This is the most high-risk situation. Focus your money on buying just what you need for each member of your family to live for three days. Building up to it can be done in weeks, months or even a year. The secret is putting a little aside every pay and buying little by little.

Once you have gathered your 72-hour supplies, then you gradually increase what you have – such as preparing for enough food for a week. Slowly increase those supplies to make sure you have enough for two weeks, and so on.

You can find ways to add money to your budget by cutting out things that you don’t absolutely need, or don’t need right now. Budget for everything and don’t waste money.

Set your goal. Don’t stop working to meet it. Reward yourself at each goal. Make it fun!

In the end, who has a better chance to win the race? The person who trained and prepared? Or, the person that never did anything to get prepared and hoped for the best?

No Excuse for Not Preparing for Disaster Survival Situations
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