One of the CDC (United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention) asks you to be ready for emergencies. One of those being Zombie apocalypse preparedness.

A few years ago, the CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response issued this campaign to try to engage the US population in order to be ready for emergencies. As this campaign turned out to be very successful, they decided to continue using this approach to reach their audience. No question that this success was in part associated to the massive success of the AMC show, The Walking Dead. You can actually visit the CDC zombie preparedness blog here:

The CDC also issues a small graphic novel, “Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic”. This novel helps understand why being prepared is so important. As explained by the CDC: “Readers will follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies. Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency. Included in the novel is a Preparedness Checklist so that readers can get their family, workplace, or school ready before disaster strikes“. It’s pretty entertaining and is pretty much for all ages.

This is actually a very fun way of teaching about emergency preparedness. It’s a good way to spark interest. As you understand, the goal is not really to be prepared for an all out Zombie pandemic, but more to have basic preparedness and survival information to be ready for most emergencies.

The Canadian government also has it’s own preparedness website. No, it’s not about zombies…

Whatever angle is chosen to interest people in getting ready, even if it’s just a little, does the job. But is there a cooler way than the Zombies Apocalypse?



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