If you own a car, you should carry a car emergency kit for survival in it at all times. This is especially true for anyone who will be driving in remote areas. But even if your routine is mostly just short drives across town, it is wise to have your survival kit with you in case of an accident or emergency. Without question, nobody would ever really  want to use it, but who knows when you may need it.

This is a little more complete than the traditional car emergency kit. While the car emergency kit will normally contain stuff directly linked to car trouble (flares, jumper cables, etc…), the car emergency kit for survival is really aligned with the “survival” issue.

Building your car emergency kit for survival can be easy or you can simply purchase one that is available on the market. However, the commercial kits will often lack some items you would like to or need to have in it. Therefore, sometimes, it is necessary to add a couple of items to it. In every case, you’ll need to match the kit to suit your individual needs and location.

Commercial Kits

Don’t just buy a survival kit and toss it in the trunk of the car. At least, take a few moments to look over the items in the survival kit.

  • First, if you don’t really know about everything that’s in it, you’ll just get bad surprises at the worst possible moment.
  • Second, the items in the kit are useless unless you properly know how to use them. Become familiar with the items before you really need them. An item that you can’t use effectively is not going to prolong your life in an emergency.
  • Third, you should understand if some of the material in you kit have an expiry date / shelf life. A flashlight with dead batteries or dry alcohol wipes are no use to anyone.
  • Finally, you should make sure nothing you think you really need is missing. The next section can guide you on establishing your personal needs.

Custom Personal Kits

Different individuals will have different needs. However, some items are just basic must-haves for a car emergency kit for survival.

  • Road flares, jumper cables, and a small shovel are valuable tools to use.
  • Always have a flashlight and batteries in the survival kit.
  • An extra outfit is a good idea to keep on hand.
  • Waterproof matches and candles are also an excellent idea.

Once the basis is there, it’s time to add stuff you personally want to have on hand in case of any type of emergency:

  • Keep a small stash of tools handy, such as a hammer, screwdriver, and adjustable wrench.
  • A pocket knife or survival knife can be one of the most versatile items to keep.
  • A cell phone charger is a must.
  • A small supply of dried foods, energy bars, and bottled water in the vehicle will provide valuable nourishment to prolong survival until you can get the help you need.
  • If you often travel with pets, don’t forget to plan for them too!

Cold Weather?

Travelling in cold weather can quickly become dangerous. If you live in the northern states or in Canada, your kit may look a bit different, or just have a few things adapted to cold weather.

  • Absolutely keep survival blankets or just regular blankets in the car with you at all times. Best way to go is one of each per family member.
  • Same thing for spare hats and gloves. They will help keep you warm and dry in an emergency.
  • A small can or cup in your Car Emergency Kit for Survival could be used to melt snow. This will provide you drinking water.
  • Traction aids have helped me get out of tricky situations in the past, even if we’re not talking about the zombie apocalypse here… You don’t have traction aids? A bag of kitty litter can help you to get the traction you need on the snow and ice.

No one ever wants to use a car emergency kit for survival, but it can save your life or the ones of your family. Check your kit often to make sure all items are in place. Replace any items that have been used or removed, or in case of food items, expired. Consider mock emergency training to refresh your memory on how to use some of the items in the kit. Taking the time to adequately prepare for an emergency can help you to survive in a serious situation.

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